Via G. Borsi, 9 – Milano
T +39 02 6596329

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a bit like a jigsaw puzzle: the end result is only satisfying if we have chosen the right pieces and put them in the right places. This is precisely why we help brands, working with them along the entire journey and taking care of every single detail: selecting the most suitable profiles, defining the activation mechanism, contract management, brief sharing, content review, deadline coordination, community management support and final reporting

Influencer Activation

Finding the perfect alchemy between a brand and its influencer is a bit like magic. Our potion includes a pinch of industry data to identify the most influential creators and a touch of qualitative analysis to guarantee coherence between brand and talent. And once we have lit the spark, we constantly monitor campaign performances to ensure that the right level of heat is maintained between the users and the content published by the influencer.


What we can do for your business?